Thursday 25 December 2008

Ahmadinejad on Channel 4

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, has elicited outrage for appearing in an interview due to be televised tonight on Channel 4.

Our media correspondent, Terry Goebells, gave us his view in a report earlier this evening.

"Ahmadinejad is a man who has been proved to have known someone who once spoke to someone who helped him to find a guy who is related to someone that once spoke about someone who has been suspected of being involved in the insurgency in Iraq. He's clearly supporting terrorism!

"I mean, really! What has the world come to when you can't bomb the fuck out of a country without some pesky foreigner from the nation next-door coming in and interfering? Doesn't he realise that we own the world?"

A senior Israeli government advisor also commented on the interview.

"This is a man who has systematically contravened basic human rights in Middle-East affairs. That's our job!

"Can't Ahmadinejad just let us ruthlessly bully the Palestinian population without opening his trap?"

A senior government official also spoke out on Channel 4's decision to broadcast the interview on national television.

"We're all for an objective media here at Labour, just not when it reports the wrong stuff. What's the point of a free press if it doesn't constantly swallow government propaganda?"

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