Wednesday 24 December 2008

Pope Condemns Homosexuality

The Pope yesterday sparked incredulity in his Christmas address in which he attacked homosexuality as being "unnatural" and "disorded".

Said a liberal Catholic Organisation spokesperson, "We didn't realise religion was like this - it's not as if the Bible says anything about the issue."

"It's unbelievable that the Catholic Church has principles that don't happen to correspond with what is socially convenient," commented a secular observer. 

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, gave his verdict on the announcement. 
"The Pope should be more like us, in the Church of England. 

"Here, you can just go along with what the culture at the time recommends, obliterating any relevant Bible passages as you progress."

In other news:

Top policeman condemns crime
Amnesty International condemns human rights breaches
Ministry of the Bleedin' Obvious publishes Annual Review

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