Wednesday 17 December 2008

48-Hour Week to be Pushed Through

The EU has voted to rescind Britain's opt-out status pertaining to the 48-hour working week.

In an interview with the TRUTH, Business Secretary Pat McFadden gave his verdict on the proposal.

"In times of economic trouble, it's outrageous that people aren't allowed to be forced by their employers into working 20 hours a day. Why shouldn't the public have to pay with their time and health for the banks' blunders?

"It's not as if it's the government's job to support the vulnerable and unemployed. They should be encouraged to leech off their relatives, even if it requires working double the hours.

"Life is hard - put up with it!

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a very important 7-course-lunch to attend to with the Chairman of Northern Crock."

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