Friday 27 February 2009

How Withdrawal Works

Withdraw your Army in nine easy steps with Barack Obarmy!!!!!!!!!

Step 1. Suck relevant country dry for oil profits.

Step 2. Install sympathetic dictator and claim democratic victory.

Step 3. Make emotional speech including celebratory gunshots using following words in random order: love, hope, unity, peace, change, humanity, responsibility, kindness etc.

Step 4. Claim invasion has succeeded in establishing peace amidst background of mass-murder, racketeering and destruction.

Step 5. Bring 50,000 troops all the way home to Afghanistan.

Step 6. Leave remaining troops in "non-combat" combat roles.

Step 7. Leave all military bases, technologies, advisors, mercenaries and contractors in country.

Step 8. Sit back and admire newfound peace in Middle-East.

Step 9. Invade Iran.

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