Sunday 22 March 2009

Comment: An Apology

The Truth would like to apologise for the insensitivity of its coverage of the career of Jade Goody.

Headlines such as "Burn in Hell you racist bitch" and "Goody to be buried at sea ... after we finish pissing on her grave, that is" may have given the impression that her public demeanour was in the slightest reprehensible.

We unreservedly regret these unfounded and overzealous comments, and offer our most groveling condolences to Jade's boys, and also to her sons.

Jade Goody has made a profound and admirable contribution to the public good, including manifold instances of vitriolic bigotry and numerous sleazy dance videos. She has also been a prolific actress, starring in wondrous productions such as "Jabe: Pig in the City".

We wish Jade's family all the best after such a tragic loss as they continue to count their millions.

In other news: 24,000 people died of hunger today.

(On a decidedly less satirical note, I'd actually like to offer a genuine apology for my lack of posting this month. I aim to post 2-3 times every week; but an increasingly busy schedule has temporarily derailed this ambition. Sorry!)

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