Saturday 20 June 2009

"I could walk away tomorrow" - Mugabe

Robert Mugabe stunned the world last night when he announced that he could be prepared to "walk away from his job tomorrow".

"Power just hasn't turned out the way I wanted. All this genocide, all this raping and pillaging - I'm just not sure about it anymore.

"Recent events have really been difficult for me; for some reason, people resent having me as their leader. I could leave - it would probably be good for my wives."

The Zimbabwean leader also claimed that he "didn't know much" about the plight that has engulfed his country in the last decade.

"I wasn't really sure what was going on, to be honest. Hay-ho; that's life. Or death, as the case may be."

Questioned on his future, Mugabe speculated: "I could become a social worker or a teacher. I'd really love to give something back to society."

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